Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Fun Picnic in the West Union park

The day before school starts we enjoyed time w/friends Joleen & Samantha OhlsonIMG_3574Friends are like smiles and music, you can live w/o them but why would you? 


K & K Gardens are Beautiful this time of Year-

IMG_3504 Sunday I attended a butterfly workshop taught by Bob Hauer @ K & K Gardens in Hawkeye.  It was fun and interesting, I took my new camera and enjoyed the beauty of K & K Gardens.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Taylor in the Little Mermaid play

Through the  Missoula Children’s IMG_3297Theater, held @ the performing arts center in West Union.  He really enjoyed being a sea scout, an octopus and a dragon.  He is looking forward to a hip hop dance class @ Dance Expressions in West Union, taught by Sabrina Bemiss.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

The summer is dwindling down

What is a mom to think, the pencils are bought, the new gym shoes are not broke in yet, the sun gives a long shadow and the air is crisp. Ah yes, school is about to begin, the snap of the football, the purple martins & orioles are gone it is quiet w/o their constant chirps.  The open house @ school have been scheduled, once again an already full calendar is scheduled to overflow.  The loose teeth from summer have grown to nearly adult size with tanned smiles and eager faces they walk down the driveway together with backpacks full of hope…..yes summer is dwindling down.   

My Dad comes to Iowa for a visit

IMG_1979 Dad & Taylor; June @ Taylors baseball game in ElginIMG_1982 Lots of fun w/the kids!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Finally it has happened………

I have a blog AS YOU ALREADY KNOW! I just had to say it again because I can’t believe it!  Now the world can read my rants, tangential sentences as well as random thoughts, as I spew them @ will (whoever he is, the poor guy---)  Ya know it does depend on my mood, so stay tuned………

Life is just full of surprises and me on facebook x2 (one personal and one for my business) and having a blog is just a hoot!  I look forward to communicating via this isolated insulated word world! (thank the Lord for spell check!)  Thanks to Sandy Koch who just maybe single handedly ruling the world one tweet @ a time helping me to over come my multi media phobia!    Later, Lor