Saturday, November 14, 2009

Don’t Mention It-

I know, I know I haven’t posted anything since forever-and yes, I also know it’s NOVEMBER—one of the months I’m in major denial about…no, it’s not the fact that it’s the month I’m turning 46 (YES FOURTY-SIX) years old, oh, no it’s not the fact that my BABY just turned 7 (YOU HERD ME I SAID MY BABY IS NOW 7) years old, all good guesses. You may think November is not a prime lovable month because we all go nearly broke and bald pulling out our hair looking and purchasing that perfect gift for our loved ones for the cherished impending holiday we Christians like to call Christmas and the secular world considers a wonder of one ups man ship, you know buy it bigger, make it better frame of mind, it’s no wonder I like tequila (ok, I’m an admitted light weight wt. in the drinking dept. you did read the beginning of this message where I said I AM Nearly 46, need I explain), so every run on sentence/paragraph deserves some humor, and I’m not one to disappoint.  Well, the problem I have with November is not the bounty of harvest (that’s obvious, have you seen my hips?), it’s not the wonderful sound of the door slamming as the children run out catching the bus, it’s not the beautiful wild turkeys that graced our back yard yesterday with the 3 deer who appear to have us named as they seemingly whisper secrets as we walk to the car. November to me is like that feeling I get when I don’t want to call it a day, this day is going just fine all by itself, no help needed by the clock on the wall, I am reluctant to check the timing of the seasons, knowing all the time it’s impending, it’s like the person you go on vacation with that just has to remind you with a big smile on their face that “Only 1 day left of vacation", back to the grindstone tomorrow!” (You know that person should be clubbed in the head!), it’s like the DJ that refuses to play your request, it’s just simply not going to work out for me…weather I like it or not winter is coming…….and November is its gate keeper, so yes, I hold a grudge and plan on for another 46 years! and that’s all I have to say about November-

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